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Harmonious Enterprise

Cleveland, 1972

Harmonious Enterprise were a group of students at Cleveland's Empire Junior High School. The group was mentored by the school choir director, Fred Stevens.

From info posted online, the group included Allen Claybrooks (13) on high tenor vocals, G. Levy (13) on lead vocals and sax, M. Russell (12) on vocals, a 14 year old on snare drum, 2 13 year olds on bongos, and 2 bassists, one playing an G string on an upright bass, and the other playing an electric bass through a record player amp. 

The record was done in the music room, one mic, open reel deck. It was pressed at American in Detroit.

The record was sold door-to-door, as a fundraiser. 

Despite the odds against them, the record is really cool, an authentic piece of young inner city kids trying the best they can, and it holds up well! The A side is influenced by the Temptations sound of the time.

People In The Street / Lover, Lover, Lover - Empire Productions 111, 1972