Unlimited Four
Toledo, 1969-72?
The Unlimited Four were a soul vocal group who recorded several 45s for Toledo's Chanson label. A couple of the 45s were local hits in the Detroit/Toledo area.
The group included Joe Butts (lead vocals), Bobby Davis, Willie Vaughn, and Ronnie Foster. Charles Nelson Jr. replaced Ronnie Foster.
The records were recorded in Detroit, and backed on most or all recordings by d'Kalenders, who were also from Detroit.
Joe Butts was the lead singer in the Magnificent Opinions in the 1980s.
I Wanna Be Happy / Calling - Chanson 1178, June 1970
Walk Away Lover / Slow Down - Chanson 1180 (blue label is first
pressing, orange second, yellow third)
Somebody Help Me Please / True Love Is Hard To Find (I Believe In You)
- Chanson 1181
Thanks to Howard Collins.