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the Scepters

Barnesville, 1965-70


L-R: Larry Pinter, Jerry Pinter, Danny Campbell, Bobby Long, Jeff Frasher, Randy Geisey

These Scepters were from Barnesville, which is between Cambridge and St. Clairsville just south of Interstate 70. Members included Randy Geisey - lead guitar, Jeff Frasher - bass, Danny Campbell - guitar, Bobby Long - d rums, and twin brothers Jerry and Larry Pitner - Vocals. They started out in 1965 playing to local dances and Pizza Shops. In 1967 they started playing all over the tri state area, Wheeling, and Pittsburgh.. During a benefit show at the Cambridge State Mental Hospital they decided to play the Animals' “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place”. Needless to say this did not go over well with the staff and the song was cut short! In 1969 they entered the Battle Of The Bands at the Ohio State Fair. This battle was sponsored by WNCI in Columbus. They won the battle and their prize was a recording session at Musicol and 500 copies of the record.


Problem #1 for the Scepters was that they had no original songs to record. Although some of the other local bands like the Outlaws were doing originals, they were strictly a cover band. Rather than ask the competition for some songs to record, they enlisted a friend who had written a few songs, Tim Wilson. With songs in hand they went to Musicol the week after they won and recorded the 45. The record was pressed by Musicol and released on the studio's Ironbeat label. There was a write-up in Go Magazine about the band and the recording that included pictures of the band with Phil Gary.

They also competed in the 1970 Battle at the Ohio State Fair but finished 2nd to Bliss. They were the house band at Scotty’s in Morristown for 6 months or so before the band called it quits after graduating High School.

I Know My Place / What's Your Reason (Ironbeat 1371), Sept 1969 (studio log date Sept 16 which was probably the mastering date).