Akron, 1961-3
The Renaults were a band of Akron teenagers. Two of the members were Joe Weller(guitar) and Art Gohs (keyboards). Ted Rogers may also have been a member, possibly the singer. Like other Akron bands they played a number of 'twist dance' shows.
The band recorded a 45 at the Bryte/Brite Star studio in 1962, around the same time as their contemporaries, tthe Nite Caps and Eugene and the Cyclones. The record suggests a Texas origin, for what reason who knows. These Bryte 45s predate their heavy investment into the 'song poem' business.
Art Gohs was later the organist for the Counterpoints, he is deceased.
Rockin' With Joe / March To Eternity - Bryte 306, May 1962