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Marilyn Smith

Cleveland, 1974


According to the caption, Marilyn is second from the left in this picture

Marilyn Smith was an aspiring model who cut one 45 for the Sojamm label. Sojamm was one of the operations working out of the Way Out studio after that label folded, it was affiliated with Solid Foundation.

We know more about the label than of Marilyn herself, who was 16 years old when she made the record, and between high school and college in the summer of 1974. She appears a few times as part of a teenage modeling promotion led by another Cleveland teenager, Gary Jones.

There are no mentions of her performing in the Cleveland club ads. 

The record is a nice production by John Brinson and Rich Little. Rita Little is credited as the songwriter. The same folks were involved with the Doc Peabody 45, which was probably done around the same time. A year earlier, Little (not sure which one) was in St. Louis working with the Caesars. Their connections with Cleveland are still unknown.

Covers Mother / I Never Told You - Sojamm 100, summer 1974