Five Chances / Chances
Cincinnati, mid 60s-early 70s
Little about this group is known to us, even though they made two stunning 45s. Both 45s were issued on the low budget Finch label, and the raw productions might even help the group's sound.
Their 1st 45 as the Five Chances is a total throwback to the vocal group sounds of the later 1950s with some Chicago style soul harmonies lurking. The lead singer is James Starks. They recorded a second 45 in 1971 as the Chances which is more comtemporary in feel with a lyrical message about black empowerment. Even with that they still sound like they could take to the streets - vocallly, that is - and recapture they magic of the 50s groups. Writer credits are James Starks and Walter Longmire.
I'll Miss You (When You're Gone) / Stranger I Love
You - Finch no # (QCA 70931), Sept 1967
People Wake Up Before It's Too Late / A Better Day Is Coming - Finch no
# (QCA 106232), June 1971