the Fink Muncx IX
Dayton, 1964
Most stories of garage bands read from a similar script - and then there's tales that are better than fiction. Such as the Fink Muncx IX, a testimony to the power of friendship and the unlimited ideals of teenagers. The story begins with a couple recent HS graduates who wanted to buy their friend a car so he could attend Ohio U. A brainstorm erupted - why not make a record to sell? Since none of the friends were musicians, they found some who were, and banged heads to come up with a record that was just bad enough to break out. "Coffee Tea Or Me" was written by Jeff Laurito at his coffee table. The recording "session" actually included nine people, the four musicians and five "singers" who were the circle of friends. This lineup of talent actually played one live show, performing three songs, their entire repetriore. The name comes from the singer Doug Fink and Catholic school breeding "Muncx", a deliberate goof on Monks. The original name was supposed to be Fat Man Fink. 400 copies were sold, thanks to some airplay on Dayton's WING.