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Blue Tater

Cincinnati, 1970-1990s

Blue Tater originated in the University of Cincinnati's Conservatory of Music. They were a symphonic rock band in their first incarnation. The leader was John Mooter.

The band recorded a 45 in 1970, not long after they started. The songs are described as 'horn rock' and seemed to be short pieces of a long rock symphony or rock opera. The label is their own Love records a division of Epoch Universal Publishing. The record mentions 'from the album "Mooter" Rock Symphony -1" which doesn't seem to have been released.

The band was described in 1971 as a six piece and seven piece and in 1972, a nine piece.

Sometime in the early 1970s Blue Tater seemed to change into a club/show band. There are listings in Ohio clubs throughout the 1970s and 80s. 

John Mooter led the band through its existence,approximately 25 years. Other members were Steve Coghill (vocals), Ronald Bramlage (sax/flute), Dennis McClung (drums).

Epoch Universal was described as a production firm for 'sacred and moralistic music" in a 1970 article. The principals were Raymond Bruno and Robert Roy. Blue Tater doesn't seem to have been a Christian band, at least not overtly.

Stop, Pretty Baby / The Love We Share - Love 9-RPB1111/2, 1970