Columbus, 1972-4
The Capital City Rockets played a straight ahead style of rock-n-roll. The band was started by Bob Hill, who recalls - "Michael "Bopper" Warner and Jerry Hertig both played in "Hard Sauce" with Jamie Lyons, (Jeff Robinson and Donald "Kacey" Kacir - I think). I stole both Bopper and Hertig from Hard Sauce, added an excellent bass player, Bud Fowler, and that was Mixed Water. A Mixed Water demo was sent to Elektra and Lyons was added after the demo had been sent while we were waiting for the response. Eric Moore replaced Bud when Bud couldn't get along with Bopper and stated, "Me or him." The label, in the age of glam and costuming, decided that a 'look' was needed. Taking a name from a "Roller Derby" type monicker (and dressing likewise for promo shots), they recorded one LP for Elektra (a strange choice, perhaps, considering Elektra's roster of singer/songwriters). A 45 of "Breakfast in Bed" got some airplay in the Columbus area but not enough to keep the band going. Eventually they split with Moore rejoining Hill in the band Sky King before splitting to form the Godz. Moore also spent some time as a roadie for LAW.
Besides Jamie Lyons' previous bands, a lot of Columbus music history was represented by the CCR members. Bob Hill had played in many Columbus bands including Debonairs, Bishops, Four Winds, Goldfinger, Strongbow, and Climax while Moore had been in Tree, breifly. Michael Warner had been in the Four O'Clock Balloon.