The address was 2200 Althen, a house in Cleveland's Tremont neighborhood. The owner's name may have been Meyer. There is nothing in the local papers about the label but the main aritst, Tony Capri, was from Youngstown, and it's likely the Dynamics were from there also. The Monarchs are still a mystery.
1001 | Tony Capri | Sandy / Why Do You Love Me | |
1002 | the Monarchs | Love You That's Why / Coming Home | |
1003 | Tony Capri | You Thrill Me /Cant' Live With Them And... | 1960 |
1004 | Gino Nardo | Here In My Heart / Mama Rosa | 1960 |
1005 | Tony Capri | That's the Way / Counting Wishes | |
1006 | the Dynamics | Blind Date / If I Give My Heart To You |